Jeff O'Handley, Author

Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Monday Musing: Save the Cat, Kill the Kid

On Friday, I stumbled across a thread on Absolute Write that was already three pages when I started reading. By the time I got to the end of page 1, the thread was five pages long, and still growing. As of this morning, it is 9 pages long, with more than 200 posts. It wasn’t […]

The Tipping Point

I’m an early riser. Some years ago, faced with a long commute, I started rising around 5:30 in the morning, which was earlier than I really needed to be up. I like to have time to ease into the day, have a couple of cups of coffee, maybe something to eat. When I stopped commuting […]

Musical Monday: Still Fighting the War

Heard this on NPR’s folk program last night. When I was kid, if I heard someone refer to ‘The War’, it meant WWII. Twenty-five, thirty years after the end of that conflict, WWII still shaped so much of the world, and my perceptions of it. We had the Cold War as a direct result of […]

Summer’s Edge and Double Edge

I’m really, really bad at self-promotion. Still, I I need to say something about Summer’s Edge and Summer’s Double Edge, the twin anthologies from Elephant’s Bookshelf Press, released earlier this week, one of which includes my short(ish) story, Last Man Standing. Hey, I just did! First, a big thanks to Matt Sinclair for including the […]

And We’re Out!

Breaking with my usual posting schedule to point out the anthologies, Summer’s Edge and Summer’s Double Edge (featuring my short, Last Man Standing) are now available from Elephant’s Bookshelf Press! Featuring 25 stories about short-term relationships from gifted writers (and familiar names from the blogosphere) such as Cat Woods, Mindy McGinnis and Jean Oram, and […]

A Quote

If you trusted the justice system to find a man guilty, you must trust it when it finds a man not guilty, or it’s just partiality you seek.–Bryan Peterson I wasn’t in the courtroom. I didn’t follow the trial closely (and even if I had, it would have been through the filter of America’s mass […]

Disqussion Stymied

Lately, I’ve been feeling unwanted. Don’t worry, this is not another, “My query isn’t getting anywhere” post. And it’s not to complain about how no one is reading this blog, because a lot of you are—or at least you’re stopping here. I have no idea how many of you are really reading anything, but at […]

A Lesson From Looper

Last weekend, I finally got to see the movie, Looper. This was a movie I wanted to see from the instant last summer I saw the teaser on television (and this will tell you what’s on my mind lately: when I wrote that line, I wrote ‘query’ instead of trailer). The concept is fantastic. Men […]

Word Nerd Friday

I love the sound of that. Word Nerd Friday. If I’m smart, I’ll make this a regular feature of this blog, though that will require me to spend time finding and breaking down various words. This one came to me quite by accident. So the first word of Word Nerd Friday is: Phytophotodermatitis. That’s a […]

We Interrupt This Silence

I try not to break with my Monday-Friday posting schedule, because I know how we all like routine. A break from routine is upsetting, and I don’t want to upset you–or me, for that matter. Still, I figure this is worth a break in the routine. Last night, Matt Sinclair, Chief Cook and Bottle Washer […]