Jeff O'Handley, Author

Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

The Last Refuge

Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent Isaac Asimov, Foundation I read the above quote many, many years ago. While I don’t remember much about the book itself, that quote has always stuck with me, and I think of it often. Just last week, for example, it came to mind as I watched the […]

The Curve in the Road

Somehow, in the last two months I’ve managed to cobble together enough writing time in the early hours of the day and on weekends to put 47,197 words on 147 pieces of virtual paper. They’re not the best words, not by a long shot. They may not even be very good words, but they’re words […]

The Story of Powerless, Part I

Several weeks back, I received a pretty good (4 star) review on Literary Titan. When Lisa sent me the copy of the review, she also told me they were interested in doing an interview, would I like to answer a few questions? My, “Hell, YEAH!” could probably be heard all across the county. The interview […]

This Story Will Never Go Out of Style

A few years back I had a great idea for a novel. Like the one I mentioned a few weeks ago, I wish I’d written it, as it would be quite appropriate given our current situation. The concept was inspired by one of the tropes that (predictably) was trotted out in the wake of a […]