Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Your Questions–Answered!

Thank you all for the nice comments and kindly wishes last week. I do appreciate it. I’m no closer to finishing that post I alluded to on Friday, and the longer I go without finishing it, the less likely it is to get done. But maybe that’s a good thing, because it was conceived largely in irritation and aggravation and that’s usually not a good thing to showcase here. Or maybe it is.

So, I got two questions from you, and I will answer them. And then I might have a question or two of my own for you. We’ll see. I’m feeling a bit run down today, so I might fall asleep by the time I answer the questions, which is okay, because you’ll probably be sleeping, too.

First up, Sheena-kay Graham asks what a day in my life is like. Is there such a thing as a typical day? During the week I get up around 5:30, have the first of too many coffees, catch up on e-mails, blogs, sports and news. If it’s Monday or Friday, I struggle to get the post finished (and, increasingly, leave it for later). At 6 I wake the Catbird. And again at 6:15, 6:30, 6:45 and 7:00. Somewhere in there I put lunch together. I take the dog and the Catbird to the bus stop (and consider myself lucky that my teenage daughter is okay with me waiting for the bus with her), and then I go to work.

Work is pretty varied. Sometimes, I’m in the office all day. Last week, I spent half a day doing career day for high schoolers. Another day, I was visiting farms trying to convince farmers to recycle the plastic they use for hay bales and the like. On my way home I pick up the Catbird from track, and then it’s home. Sometimes I cook, sometimes my wife cooks. After dinner is when I try to get the bulk of my writing time in now. It feels more exciting when I’m living it than when I’m writing it down!

Jennifer Hillier wants to know what I like to do on a warm and sunny day. I tell you what, Jennifer, when we have one, I’ll let you know! Actually, when it’s warm and sunny, I like to be outside. Doing what? Depends. Loafing. Mowing the lawn. Taking a walk. Birding. All of it. Any of it.

Well, that’s about it. Turns out I really don’t have the energy to do more tonight. Thanks for stopping, thanks for reading, and thanks for not deciding to immediately unfollow!

7 Responses

  1. Well, here's hoping Spring gets her butt in gear and arrives at your place soon. And that's nice that you have that time with your teenager. My guy drives now, so we don't have those chats in the car anymore like we used to when I still had to take him everywhere.

  2. I wish I could discipline myself to get up at 5:30. Imagine what I could get done! 🙂 Your typical day sounds a lot like mine.

  3. You get up at FIVE THIRTY in the morning? *faints* (or probably more accurately, *goes back to sleep*).

    Very cute that you wait at the bus stop with the Catbird! 🙂

  4. It is so sweet you take your daughter to the bus and make sure to pick her up later. You can't be too careful, and I'm sure she can feel how much she's loved — great for a young woman's self-esteem. <3

  5. L.G.–she's not always chatty, but I know she appreciates the company. I consider myself fortunate that I've been able to spend as much time with my girls as I did.

    Donna, I always forget you are south of the equator–enjoy it! And feel better, too.

    Lisa–your kid is younger than mine, thus your day is automatically crazier!

    Bonnee–On weekends, I sleep in–til 6:30, if I'm lucky!

    Lexa–the school is on my way home, and the timing is right, so I certainly don't mind. I keep asking if it bothers her to have me at the stop, and she says no. Plus, kids on the bus are entertained by my dog, who is a nut.

    Jemi–it works for me!

    Thanks, everyone!

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