Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Snowy Friday

Well, here I sit on a Friday morning, waiting for word from the school about whether they’ll be open today or not. The Catbird was sent home early yesterday; the school was already set for a half day today (teacher training day), but I’m sure they’re loath to give up a day to snow if they don’t have to. The new superintendent here (and he’s at least four years on the job now, so he’s not really new, but you know how these things go) is from the North Country, so he’s used to this stuff. It all depends on the roads.

I don’t especially mind the snow–most often, the air around here is cold and dry enough that it’s fairly easy to shovel–and in truth, I think our friends along the seaboard have had more snow than we have, which is unusual. This winter has felt especially arduous and endless, however, and I think it’s largely because it’s been so damn cold. We’ve had more single-digit and sub-zero days this winter than we’ve seen in probably6 or 8 years; it can really wear you down. As I sit here typing this right now, the thermometer reads a positively balmy 15 degrees, and we’re supposed to push 30 today. Heatwave!

Speaking of winter, Matt Sinclair, the big brain behind Elephant’s Bookshelf Press, sent out the cover for the Winter Anthology:

I really like the look of this cover–it really catches the mood, don’t you think? The anthology is slated for a February 28 release date, a little delayed, much like this winter has been. Matt has been quite busy, as EBP has this and another anthology slated for spring, plus a novel due out in March, and more. That’s a lot on his plate.

I’m very much looking forward to seeing this on, and  to reading the great stories others have submitted. Meanwhile, on another book note, I’ve seen my pages for the works submitted for our writers’ circle book–nice! The laid out versions match the final version I submitted. This is the part where we see how many errors actually creep into during the publication process. The most glaring I’ve found so far are an annoying lack of paragraph breaks in one of my pieces.

Well, hey, look at that, I’ve just gotten word that our school is closed. I can see the steam coming out of our superintendent’s ears from here–maybe it’s enough to melt all that snow. On that note, I’ll sign off here and hope you have a happy weekend. Be well.

8 Responses

  1. So glad we didn't get any of that snow. I'm still waiting for the batch we did have to melt, but that's not going to happen any time soon. Last night it got as high as 34 (ABOVE FREEZING!!!), but now the winds have come (BRRR) and more snow is expected tonight (which is what happens when it warms up!!!). I hope it's not much.

  2. It's crazy weather we're having in this country, isn't it? We're having spring-like weather here. The southern part of the state (which got to 1 degree in December) is expected to be 76 degrees today. Being in a mountain valley, we get can get a bit of snow, but I prefer it to snow in the surrounding mountains and let it rain here. Don't have to shovel snow. 🙂 Happy Valentine's Day

  3. I heard on the radio the other day that it was 61 in Seward, Alaska not all that long ago. There are some crazy fluctuations going on, that's for sure. Hope you had a nice Valentine's Day, Donna!

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