Rick Ross and the Unlearned Lesson of Steubenville
This weekend, I was tooling around on the internet and a headline grabbed my eye. “Rick Ross speaks on rape lyrics controversy.” Now, I have to be honest, I have no idea who Rick Ross is. I have now read this story, I even searched out the song in question, and I still really don’t […]
A Simple Question
…but perhaps not a simple answer. When reading a book, if you are not specifically told or given really obvious clues to a character’s race, what do you see, and why? I’ll go ahead and say it, when I read, white is the skin color I see. I’m white. I’ve lived most of my life […]
The Doper, the Dope, and the Disgraced
Three interesting stories in the news this week, all involving fiction of one kind or another. First up is disgraced cycling hero and cancer surivor, Lance Armstrong. For years, Armstrong crafted the story of a tough-minded, dedicated man who beat cancer and went on to reach the pinnacle of his sport, and achieved something that […]
So, I watched a good chunk of the 12-12-12 concert Wednesday night. I forgot it was on, to be honest, and only found it when I decided I needed some brain melt time, shortly after 8 PM. I turn on the TV and there’s Bruce Springsteen, looking like he’s the one who should be playing […]
Musical Monday: Your Racist Friend
The Magpie has been in touch with one of her friends from home, a girl I’ll call the Robin. The Robin is an outgoing, cheerful young lady, all Rainbows and Unicorns, who evidently got socked with her own case of The Second Week Blues at her college. She also had an experience that made me […]