Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Stupid Little Truths

Almost two years ago (Really? It was two years ago already? Yes, yes it was) I wrote about truth in fiction. At that time, it was the poignancy and truth I recognized in the source material of the local high school production of Fiddler on the Roof. The point was that there were large truths […]

A Quote

At the end of last week we watched V for Vendetta, a 2005 film based on a graphic novel. It was a fine film, a great blend of action, ideas, and a bit of romance. A number of things said in the film stood out, but perhaps none (for me) more than this from early […]

Writing with the King

First off, big thanks to everyone who commented on my post earlier this week. The question, can you get away with a character who doesn’t change? drew many interesting responses. And this may be one of these things where I have to take another look at the story and character in question, and see if […]

The Fiddler of the Truth

In Monday’s post I alluded to my girls’ participation in the high school musical as being difficult for me. It was, but it wasn’t all related to the seemingly non-stop shuttling of kids back and forth to school for evening rehearsals. That could have been a lot worse. Our town is in the hinterlands relative […]