Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Word Nerd Friday: Bogart

The other night at dinner a word popped up into my head, a word I haven’t used in a while I don’t know where it came from, I don’t know why I thought of it, but there it was. The word was Bogart, as in Humphrey Bogart, legendary star of movies like The African Queen, […]

Word Nerd Friday: Hoodwink

I was vowing that I was going to write something a little more serious today, but like much of the summer, this week sort of got away from me. Funny how that happens, isn’t it? Meanwhile, maybe it was last week’s post where I referenced driving around with boxed-up birds in the back of my […]

Word Nerd Friday

I love the sound of that. Word Nerd Friday. If I’m smart, I’ll make this a regular feature of this blog, though that will require me to spend time finding and breaking down various words. This one came to me quite by accident. So the first word of Word Nerd Friday is: Phytophotodermatitis. That’s a […]