Jeff O'Handley, Author

Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice


Another Monday. A bleary Monday. The wife had to run an event in town this weekend. It involved coordinating vendors and setting up a street fair (actually, a parking lot fair, but ‘street fair’ sounds much better) on Saturday. We had ourselves a nice, fourteen hour day. On Sunday we were back, this time she ran a parade. Since I’m married to her, I’m also married to her job. Let’s hear it for forced volunteerism! Woohoo!
There wasn’t much time for writing, and my brain was very much fried – I left a few blog comments and posts on Absolute Write Saturday night that I may look at today and think “Huh? I don’t remember that!” I also skipped my Writer’s group Sunday. I hate to do that, but I was really tired, and didn’t think I could muster the energy needed to fight for a parking space in town; come up with anything remotely good in the group; or offer meaningful criticism of anyone’s work.
But I did manage to get a good two to three hours of writing done last night. Two thousand words possibly added to my novel, though it’s debatable whether it will end up in the book or not. I’ve written this before and it didn’t make it in the first official draft, yet it felt like it needed to be written again. We’ll see sometime this week if it makes the cut or not.
So, I got tagged on Friday. Carrie, at So You’re a Writer, tagged me in one of these little games bloggers play, sort of the blog equivalent of a chain letter, though without the promise of fabulous riches and good health for playing along, or the threat of disaster for not doing so. I appreciate being tagged, but I’m not really one for this stuff, to be honest. E-mails like this tend to die in my inbox. I’d much rather spend my time helping the former oil minister of Nigeria get his millions back. I once got one of those e-mails from Yassir Arafat’s widow! Yassir left her penniless, it seems. Scratch that, it was the chauvinist pigs in charge of Hamas and the PLO Palestinian Authority who refused to give it to her. It was quite the fortune. I hope she got what was rightfully hers.
Well, I suppose if I want to be part of the blogging world, I have to be a sport to some degree, so here goes:
Do you think you are hot?
I got a sunburn on the back of my legs this weekend, so I’m alternating between hot and cold.
Upload a pic or wallpaper you are using.
Okay, here’s a favorite. Absolute Writers in the readership will recognize it. This is Morty, the Turkey Vulture; living proof that beauty is both skin deep and in the eye of the beholder.
When was the last time you ate chicken?
Thursday. Chicken cutlets. I loves me some chicken cutlets.
What were you thinking while doing this?
See the fifth paragraph.
What song/songs have you listened to recently?
I listened to the Grateful Dead live at the Capitol Theatre in Passaic, NJ, June 19, 1976, courtesy of the Live Music Archive. Three hours of vintage Dead is nice to groove to while writing.
Do you have any nicknames? What are they?
O. JeffO (or maybe it’s Jeff-O or jeffo, I’ve never been clear on the spelling). There are others, but that will do for now.
Tag five blogger buddies.
OK, I only have five blogger buddies, so I’m not going to do that. So, anyone who reads this and wants to do this, go ahead. Have fun. I won’t put any pressure on you.
I suppose that wasn’t so bad. Have a happy and productive week, all.

2 Responses

  1. I don't typically get into tags either, but I thought, "Free blog topic? Why not?" 😉 I'm glad you decided to take part. It's always nice to see Morty make an appearance. Have a good one!

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