Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

NaNo Yes, or NaNo No?


I must be nuts. Appropriate, since I just finished reading Ken Kesey’s One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (I’m just loving my daughter’s AP English class reading list). I heartily recommend that book, by the way. But, yes, I’m in. I actually sketched out a short list of characters and the barest bones of an outline. I’m kind of cheating, I guess,  because it’s a story that I started two years ago, probably got about 10K words on paper, but I’m starting fresh with the writing, so that counts for something, right? Oh, boy, see you in December….

Actually, I entirely aim to keep up with the regular posting schedule here. Whether I produce anything of value is an entirely different question.

11 Responses

  1. The way I figure it, the Revision part will be out of my hands for a bit once I get the darn thing out! I'm *almost* there.

  2. My thoughts exactly. I'm using my lunch break to check a few blogs. Methinks I'll have to give that up and dedicate my lunch to writing.

  3. Good luck to you, Jeff! I've said this many times today out here in Bloggyland: I could never do NaNo, no way, no how. And though I don't really get it, I sure as heck respect all those who participate. You have a talent I obviously lack.

  4. Thanks, all. Thanks for the link, Ellis. Nancy, I'm not sure that it's a 'talent' exactly. I think it's a willingness to suspend (or seriously curtail) the inner forces that slow your writing progress. It's not always a good thing.

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