Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Another One of Those Days…

In my case, there’s two kinds of blog posts: those that I plan and write and rewrite and agonize over, and those that just sort of spill out of my head and onto the page.

Make it three kinds of blog posts. When the planning and agonizing over hours and days just isn’t ready on post day, and when nothing really seems to want to spill out of my head, then I do this, and tell you you should just move along, folks, there’s nothing to see here. That’s it, move along. Move it along, and have a nice weekend. Sorry to bring you over here for nothing. Although it’s always good to see a clip from The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. And I have to add I’m seriously disappointed that Sergio Leone did not employ the Harvard Comma.

8 Responses

  1. I take my cues from fellow bloggers. Any reason to join a bloghop or otherwise party. Today it was Dr. Seuss's birthday, hence the silly tribute poem. Have a great weekend, Jeff!

  2. Hahahahaha! I loved this post. I have felt this way SO MANY TIMES. Thanks for keeping it honest. It was a breath of fresh air.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Thanks, all. I had a couple of moments where I blew my concentration so completely that I quite literally banged my head on the desk and thought I was going to get absolutely nothing done. Aside from this post, it turned out to be a good writing day, so I'll take it.

    Donna, The Good etc. is one of those movies that really should be on my 'can watch it anytime' list. I'm not sure how I missed it, except it probably just hasn't been on TV anytime lately to catch my eye.

    Nancy – using other bloggers is definitely something that helps. I opened up a whole bunch of tabs yesterday morning to see what all of my favorite bloggers had to say – and then just didn't feel like it. Not until later. I guess it just wasn't a blogging sort of day, for whatever reason.

  4. HA! My husband loves that movie. I have to admit — it's not that bad 🙂 And I'm laughing at this post. I have the same things happen to me.

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