Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Musical Monday: Rain

It’s funny how a thing like drought can occur. Back in April, after a short burst of very warm, dry weather, we got two, three weeks of frequent rain such that I wasn’t able to cut the grass until it was almost too high for the mower. By June we’re watching films and seeing pictures of wildfires across the country, and here in July, it suddenly occurs to me that we haven’t seen a decent rain in my little corner of the world in about a month. Yesterday morning I awoke to find we had a brief rain that cooled things off very nicely, and in the afternoon, while I was at Writer’s Circle, we had a brief, heavy rain that left a rainbow like the one on Bonnee Crawford’s blog header.

I’m not a rain guy, normally, but we could use a little more (it’s supposed to get hot again today). And you can never go wrong with the Beatles, and this song just always sounded so interesting.

7 Responses

  1. It's been very dry here too. We had a brief thunderstorm and rain the other night, but not nearly enough to help out the poor farmers in the area.

    The Beatles are always good!

  2. I've lived long enough now that I'm always leery of a lot of rain because it always seems to come before a drought. And droughts tend to cycle every 7 years or so. Ugh.

  3. There ongoing joke in my part of Australia is "if you don't like the weather, give it five minutes and it will change." Because the state of Victoria has serious mood swings when it comes to weather, though we get long periods of too much rain and not enough as well…

    I LOVE RAINBOWS! I took that photo myself 🙂

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