Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

A Delay

Okay, I’ve totally bungled this one, folks, and I don’t know why. On Monday I linked to an AW thread, promised I’d have more today about it, and I’ve been writing like a fiend since. And I’ve got? A whole lot of stuff, but nothing coherent, and my efforts to write it are making my head itch on the inside. Not a comfortable feeling.

So, the basic update is we moved the Magpie to college on Wednesday morning, and things went well. From her accounts so far, she’s making some friends (and ran into someone from home who’s also attending the school) and getting settled in. I give her a lot of credit: my wife had visions of a long day helping her move in and get settled, while I subtly advocated for a fairly-quick drop and depart (not quite that quick, but certainly not an all-day affair). The Magpie opted for the quick approach; she was anxious, I think, to get started on this next phase of her life, and who can blame her? She called us that night, and sounded a little shaky, but she’s doing well. And so we move on and adjust to the new paradigm.

Aside from this irritating blog post, I’m going to have to find something new to write. Barton’s Women is simmering on the back-burner for a few weeks, but I don’t have anything fully-fleshed out in mind right now to start working on in earnest. Part of me thinks I should re-read Parallel Lives; maybe it will help me re-craft my query, or turn up things I’ve missed, I don’t know. I’m also considering dusting off some short pieces I’ve written in the last year or so and seeing what I can do with them.

That’s about it for me, for now. How about you? What are you all working on? Have a great weekend, and thanks, as always, for stopping by. One of these days I’ll give you something to really chew on again.

9 Responses

  1. Congratulations on the college drop-off! Hope all goes well. And good luck on the next writing project–I'm still debating how much of my time to use where too. Part of me is thinking about short stories again, and part of me just wants to get myself to buckle down on the new book.

  2. Heading off to college is an emotional roller coaster for all involved, but a wonderful life-changing experience. I'm sending good vibes your way as your embark on your next writing project. I've decided to spend the next 6 months expanding an idea into a YA novel. It's very exciting!

  3. I'm glad the move-in went well, Jeff! Good luck with your next project. Hopefully it will help you settle into a new routine.

    As for me, I'm knee-deep in edits. 🙂 Have a great weekend!

  4. Re-reading Parallel Lives could be something to consider while Barton's Women is on the back burner. Something else you could do is start fleshing out a new idea, seeing as you claim not to have anything already fleshed out. Start thinking of what your next project will be and start giving it an outline, even if you don't end up having time to write it before you return to Parallel Lives or Barton's Women.

    Congrats to the successful drop-off 🙂

  5. Well, the thing of it is, what I have is one or two brief, very brief, scenes playing in my mind, but I don't know if they're strong enough to work off of yet. It's hard to explain, but for the four novels I've started or completed, they've all started when I've had a very strong image–either a character or scene–in mind. Sometimes that scene/character takes months to really develop in my mind (there's a post somewhere here about my mind's 'back room' that really explains it). This newest one doesn't feel concrete enough to me yet, but then again, maybe if I write what I've got, it will solidify.

  6. Ooh I see, your own special way of creating something awesome 🙂 I think I vaguely recall the post about your mind's back room… Well, whatever way you choose to go about what you have at the moment, I hope the awesomeness solidifies soon. Good luck!

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