Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Musical Monday: Bottom of the World

Back in August we passed through New York City on our way to and from vacation. After getting my dose of New York sports radio (“Joey from Brooklyn is on the line; what’s up, Joey?” “Hey, how you doin’, Mike?” in glorious Sopranos-style accents) I found New York radio stations to be every bit as limited as upstate radio — there were just more highly-specialized stations to choose from. At any rate, while surfing the dial in search of something different, I came across good old WFUV, college radio from Fordham University. Ironically, when I was younger I didn’t much listen to FUV because they were a little too eclectic for my tastes. Now, as an old man, I can only listen to so many Led Zeppelin tunes in one day. Radio stations have become so compartmentalized and specialized that it’s really not fun for me to listen to any one station for very long. But I digress.

While glued to the Bronx River Parkway, FUV played this song and I loved it. Alejandro Escovedo has been around for some time, apparently, but I’d never heard of him before. I’m not sure what struck me most about the song: the imagery, the musical style, Escovedo’s voice. This piece reminds me a bit of Dylan (Queen Jane Approximately, perhaps) or early Springsteen. Here’s a video of a performance from last June.

I haven’t thought too much about music with regards to Barton’s Women, but if I had to choose a theme song for that work, right now I’d go with Bottom of the World. Anyway, I’ll be back on Friday with a post about tense. Have a great week, all!

13 Responses

  1. I love associating certain songs with a WIP. For my first book that just happened by accident, but there are certain songs now–that I listened to while I was writing–that take me right back into the book when I hear them.

  2. I love WFUV, where I've discovered lots of artists I now consider among my favorites. Escovedo is one I've only heard on FUV, but you're right, he is a little reminiscent of Bob Dylan — or maybe more like his son Jakob.

  3. I often stream WEHM out of East Hampton (we spent one year living there, I fell in love with that station) and I keep expecting to hear him turn up there. So far, he hasn't.

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