Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

The Mistaken Launches!

I’m making a rare break with my usual Monday-Friday post schedule to trumpet the release Nancy S. Thompson’s debut, The Mistaken! Big congratulations to Nancy!

I had the pleasure of reading an earlier draft of the novel. It’s a gripping story of a man and a woman in a rather difficult situation (which is putting it mildly). Romance, heartbreak, the Russian mob, mistaken identity – there’s a lot happening in The Mistaken, and Nancy tells it well. Go and pick up a copy. It’s available as print or an e-book at Amazon  and Barnes and Noble and direct from Sapphire Star Publishing.*

And, Nancy’s touring! She’ll be here for an interview on Monday, but today she’s celebrating at her site, and with Mark Koopman’s. Stop by and see what she’s got to say, and enter the contest for an ARC of The Mistaken, and a bookmark. Here’s thefull schedule:

The Mistaken Blog tour:
10/23:  Julie Musil
10/26:  LG Smith
11/19:  Arlee Bird
Big congratulations to Nancy! You are now a published author! 

*NOTE: As of now, there is an error with the link to B&N for the paperback edition, and Amazon is listing the paperback as out of stock. The book is available for Kindle and Nook.

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