Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Shameless Plug Day!

Self-promotion has never been something I’m especially good at. I’m just not overly-comfortable touting myself. Still, here goes: I’m thrilled to say that my short story, Last Man Standing, has been selected for the Summer’s Edge anthology, coming soon from Elephant’s Bookshelf Press—Woohoo! The theme behind the anthology is the short-term relationship, “a love or relationship that is or appears to be short-lived or not long for this world.” That certainly describes Last Man, which was a lot of fun to write. More details on publication date and availability will be forthcoming, but I’m pretty excited about it.

Second, this is indirect self-promotion, based on the notion, “If it’s good for my wife, it’s good for me.” If you’ve been hanging around this place for any length of time, you know I believe platform for fiction writers is either misunderstood or vastly overrated. I’m not going to get into that whole thing again, at least right now. Despite my repeated rantings against ‘platform’, I do believe a website is quite important; I just think writing comes first, especially when you’re new to the game and trying to break in and break through. Enough about that. Anyway, my wife designs websites, does web to mobile conversions, text message programs, and…other stuff that, technophobe that I am, I really don’t ‘get’. She’s bugged me from time to time about doing a website, but I feel like it’s not time for me to have one yet.

But that doesn’t mean it’s not time for you! If you’re at the stage where a website is something you need (or really, really want), and you don’t know where to start, or you have a website that’s not really doing what you want it to do, why not give her a call? Check out some of the sites she’s designed. Her rates are very competitive and she’s great to work with!

Can I list myself?

Third, Lisa Regan has a new book, Aberration, coming out on June 6th. Rather than do another exhausting blog tour, Lisa has decided to try a blog hop. The Aberration bloghop will run on June 6th and 7th. From Lisa: “All you have to do is list your top 5 choices for the most aberrant characters in fiction, television or movies. Also, if you’re a writer, you can then include a short paragraph about who you think is the most aberrant character from your own work.”

There will be prizes! It will be gruesome fun! Hustle over to Lisa’s blog and sign up now!

Finally, my alarm went off this morning to this song. It went off on Friday morning to this song. There’s a strong chance this song will be playing when my alarm goes off tomorrow morning, too. One of the saddest things about the evolution of radio is how you can set your clock to it.

That’s it for me, what’s new with you? Have anything to plug? Feel free to share (unless you’re that guy trying to push the sunglasses on me. No thanks)

18 Responses

  1. Congratulations on making the anthology! That is exciting news.

    Hey – you're having a book come out with your name associated with it (maybe even on the cover!!). Now is the BEST time to start your website. It doesn't have to be elaborate (mine isn't), just a place for someone to find you and your work – which you'll now have!

  2. W00t! Super congrats on your news, Jeff.

    When I'm read to look at doing more with my domain, I'll have to check on your wife's rates.

  3. CONGRATS!!!! Woo hoo!!!! You so deserve it. There will be many more publications to come, I predict! 🙂 Thanks for plugging my blog hop.

  4. Wow! Congratulations!! I loved LMS. It was so fresh & original, and the voice, I just adored it! I'm in awe of everything you write. This is the first of many publications for you, I just KNOW it! I've always believed that.

    As for the website, if I ever get there, I'll be sure to ask your wife. How awesome to be married to someone with THAT skillset!

  5. Yay!!! Good for you! I have several friends who have published stories in Matt's previous anthologies and they are high quality! I've got to try my hand at shorts one of these days… 🙂

  6. JeffO! Congrats on the publication 🙂 That's awesome news. Your wife's web-designing work sounds like an awesome idea too. Hoping you are both well.

    Also, awesome news for Lisa! The books sounds interesting and now I have something to ponder and a blog to check out.

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