Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Regrets–An Anthology Announcement

In case you haven’t heard, Matt Sinclair and the fine folks at Elephant’s Bookshelf Press are open for submissions for their next anthology. Now, if you’re as observant as I am, you will have noticed a bit of a theme: their first anthology, Spring Fevers, came out in spring of 2012. It was followed by The Fall, released the following–you guessed it–Autumn. They skipped a season and released Summer’s Edge and Summer’s Double Edge this past summer (that’s the one with one of my stories in it, ahem), leaving one season yet uncovered.

And so Matt recently announced that they are accepting submissions for the Winter anthology. Allow me to shamelessly lift some text off the EBP site:

Regrets, I’ve had a few…
To be human is to have regrets, to question decisions, even to doubt our own abilities and capacities. Whether it’s because of a path not taken or a decision made for selfish or –  perhaps worse – unselfish reasons, we all have had moments we regret. We might regret not recognizing an opportunity. Or we regret being too quick to clutch a seemingly easy victory that left us unable to grab the better opportunity behind it. I’ve known folks who have later regretted making the right decision. Of course, like most things in life, the difference between a right decision and a wrong one can be a matter of perspective.

That’s where you writers come in. The theme for the winter anthology is “regret.” We’re looking for stories that, in some sense, convey regret. As always, we’re looking for quality short stories, but this time the theme is a little different. As in the past, stories can be in almost any genre: no erotica.

The rest of the details are at EBP’s blog, but I’ll add a couple of things here: word count is limited to 5,500; they’re open to any genre except erotica, and the deadline is a rather tight one: October 15th. Oh, and let me add that, based on personal experience, Matt and his editorial  team do a great job, are easy to work with, and release a quality product.

So, what say you? Are you up for the challenge? I’m trying to polish something up now for this, how about you?

11 Responses

  1. Sounds like a pretty cool opportunity! 🙂 Though I have a sinking feeling that I'll look at the guidelines and see that only submissions for the U.S are accepted… Fingers crossed that I'm wrong? Time to investigate! Thanks for letting us in on this one JeffO 😉

  2. I can't write short fiction to save my life. It's such an art form and I don't think I will ever master it. But I hope you'll end up in there!

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