Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Oh My Gosh, It’s a Day to Write!

Well, while Columbus Day doesn’t have the cachet it did when I was ten years old, I’ll happily take it as a day to write. And after spending the last hour or so struggling with a particularly difficult post on the recent brouhahaha over Lorde and her song, Royals, I’ve decided to shelve it for another time and spend my writing day either writing (I’m thrilled that the good folks at Elephant’s Bookshelf have decided to push the deadline for submissions for the winter anthology back by two weeks) or reading to revise. Oh, and there’s a manuscript to continue beta-ing for a friend.

How are you spending your Columbus Day?

16 Responses

  1. It's our Thanksgiving today, but we had our big family meal yesterday. Today we're all about sitting and relaxing – so I'm sure I'll get some writing in!

  2. Yeah, Columbus Day still isn't a day I get off, but I've always like the parades we have around here this time of year:) Keep up the good writing:)

  3. Not that Columbus Day is celebrated in Australia, but I spent it doing the most awful journalism assignment. Hope your writing day was fun and productive 🙂

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