Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Musical Monday: Lake Street Dive

Howdy, all. Well, after an encouraging weekend with temperatures well above freezing, it looks like we’re in for another nasty shot of winter, with the mercury plummeting to near zero again by Thursday or Friday night. This is the tough time of year in climates like this one, where you can see the end of winter in so many little ways–the color of willow branches, maple tubing going up on the trees, noticeably longer days, mud–yet winter is still here, and it doesn’t really want to let go. Nothing to do but hang on and know spring is coming.

I got a second set of revisions back from Carrie this weekend and spent much of yesterday pounding away at them. My aim is to have them back to her this week, and hopefully, she’ll not have anything else substantial to say. By the way, remember my gray/grey problem? I was sure I changed them all the last set of revisions. Early in the manuscript, I found the word ‘grey’–“Hmm,” I thought. “I was sure I changed them all to ‘gray’.” I did a ‘Find All’ and came up with close to 20 ‘greys.’ Just for fun, I searched for ‘gray’ and found another 10. *headdesk* I think I need an intervention.

Anyway, I’ve got at least three, maybe four posts partly written–and incomplete. So here’s some music instead, Bad Self Portraits from Lake Street Dive. I can’t remember where I first heard this fine band–I remember seeing a video of them singing on a street corner in Boston, and was quite impressed. I heard about this latest song through an album review on NPR. Enjoy, I’ll be back on Friday. How’s life treating all of you?

7 Responses

  1. Yay for warmer weather. We had snow and a hard freeze before Christmas that lingered into January, but then we've been having unusually warmer weather–in the 40s and 50s–and the snow is melted. We've even had rain. Works for me. Snow in the mountains, rain in the mountain valley where I live.

  2. Donna–sounds good to me!

    Sheena-kay–Thanks. There's always that brief pop up in temperatures, followed by the plunge. I'm hoping this is the last cycle like this for the winter.

  3. Good luck with those revisions, keep it up! Fingers crossed for you.

    Hope you can stay warm-ish even though winter is trying to dig its claws in for a little longer. If it makes you feel any better, while you and all the other bloggers I follow in the northern hemisphere receive a summer, I will be stuck in winter. For now, our summer seems to have mostly disappeared, although autumn doesn't officially start for a couple more days.

    I've always spelled it 'grey'. I thought one was the Australian/British English way and that 'gray' was the U.S spelling, but I could be completely wrong. Anyway, good luck with revisions! 🙂

  4. Bonnee–yeah, 'gray' is more the standard 'across the pond'. I'm not sure why I'm so locked into it. Maybe I read a lot of English writers as a kid!

  5. How funny, I had the same grey/gray problem in my first book! In Canada, we use "grey." But it looked weird to me so I used "gray" in the book.

    I don't miss winter. It was warm and sunshiny in the Northwest today. My friends are freezing in Toronto, though.

  6. Jennifer–I'm glad I'm not the only one with that problem. I'm trying to be consistent, if nothing else. Glad you're getting sunshine out west–our time is coming out here.

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