Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Question Time

Weather update: we’ve had several days of above freezing temperatures, plus some actual rain! More important, this week I saw my first turkey vultures and red-winged blackbirds (both on the same day) of the season. The calendar says spring, and now the animals are starting to agree.

Yes, I’ve been a bit obsessive about the weather this year; I think it’s just because it’s been so damn cold for so long. I’ll try to stop.

You are getting sleeeeeepy

Right, this is one of those weeks where I’ve been working on a post pretty much every day I’ve had time–and it’s still not ready yet. And because of what my day is looking like (packed), I won’t be able to get to it at all before tomorrow. So, in a blatant abrogation of my responsibilities as blogger, I turn the floor (sort of) over to you: what do you want to know? Ask anything and I promise to consider answering it in this space on Monday. Maybe, just maybe, by next Friday, the post I’ve been working on all week will be ready; more likely, I’ll have moved on to some other topic.

That’s it. Ask away, and have a great weekend!

8 Responses

  1. It's amazing how time can get away from you. I have 4 different emails, and can never seem to catch up. But I've learned to be brief when it comes to blog posts. Thanks for commenting on mine, and as for what I want? Just for you to have a great weekend! 🙂

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