Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

The Day After…

…the day after is a total bear. At least it is for me, in this particular instance.

On Saturday we did a work event, an outdoor festival celebrating the importance of our region’s water resources (specifically, lakes). Much of last week was spent working out the final logistics of tent placement and such, packing everything up, and fretting that the heavy rains of the previous week were going to turn the venue into Woodstock. Fortunately, the weather dried enough during the second half of the week that most of the standing water was gone, and Saturday itself was about as nice as you could ask for: sunny, clear, warm, and a lot of people in town.

There was a lot of running around to get things set up, a lot of lugging stuff back and forth: tables, chairs, crates of this and that, display boards–if you’ve ever done one of these things, you know the drill. The day was pretty successful overall, though the weather might have been *too* good–sometimes, people find other things to do when the weather’s that good–my perception is that numbers were down from years past. Still, I think those that attended found the event both enjoyable and informative.

So, after all the hustle and bustle, after repacking everything and folding all the tables and chairs and loading all the crates and boxes and displays back in the vehicles, I did pretty much nothing else all weekend. Yesterday, I was tired, but not too bad. And I did make it to my writers’ group, and I actually did work a bit on a project last night…but today. The day after the day after…wow.

How was your weekend?


5 Responses

  1. Tired, huh? That's how I am when I have a really short night. The first day after isn't horrible, but the second. Ugh.

    Have a great week.

  2. I think what you're going through isn't any different than me working out a new program at the gym. It always seems it's the SECOND day that I start feeling the pain! Hopefully today will be stress-free to help in recovery. 🙂

    Saturday was busy for me. Went to a RWA chapter meeting and then met friends at a Dragons game (unfortunately the Dragons lost). Sunday I did a little cleaning (very little), watched the Reds win (on TV) and caught the end of the World Cup match (I was rooting for Germany). Oh, and we watched it POUR outside (while at dinner). I kind of like the little deluges that come through (little, in that they don't last long). They water the yard just fine!

  3. Those events are SO much work. My daughter has organized several and those 14+ hour days catch up with you!
    I actually managed to get some writing done yesterday so that was a big bonus!

  4. I'd be cranky if I didn't get to write all weekend. At least you got a little writing group stuff in. 🙂

    Me, I'm still tinkering with the MS. Sent off a few pages for feedback today, but I think I need to give it one more quick read thru before sending the whole thing out.

  5. Whoa, where did the week go? Thanks, everyone. Yes, I am very tired, the week was pretty busy, and very physical!

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