Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

(Short) Weekend Update

You ever have one of those mornings where you wake up feeling like you’ve been beaten about the head and shoulders with a piece of pipe? Yeah, that’s where I’m at today. I’m hoping it’s because Saturday was a busy, rather physical day. I was a little tired yesterday, but during my writers’ circle it was like all the energy just drained away. I didn’t write at all well yesterday in the group, either. When all was said and done, I had one line, the opening line, that I couldn’t throw away, but I couldn’t seem to build anything off of it, either. I kind of, sort of knew what I wanted to do with it, but I just couldn’t make the words work yesterday. As Vonnegut said, “So it goes.”

That’s about it for me today. How are all of you? Did you have a good weekend?

3 Responses

  1. I was like that yesterday. I spent two days on a train and it wore me out. Couldn't put two sentences together yesterday. Hoping for more brain-wave activity today. 🙂

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