Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Double Post Monday!

Schnikies, it’s usually all I can do to get one post out on any given day, and here I am with a second. Well, there’s news–no, not that news, news that may be good for you!

Agent Carrie Pestritto, the wonderful woman who represents yours truly, is offering a chance at a free critique of your query letter. What could be better than that? Well, if your query is selected, you also have the chance of winning a critique/edit of your manuscript’s first 100 pages–and Carrie does a bang-up job, let me tell you.

What are you waiting for? Hie on over to Literary Carrie right now!

4 Responses

  1. I didn't realize Carrie was your agent. (Yes, I'm obviously blind since it's right there in your profile…) She's also the agent of a CP of mine, Kim Graff. I'm not querying atm (although I may be in the spring). Great opportunity!

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