Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Unfocused Friday

On Wednesday I drove down into the foothills of the Catskills for a workshop. The drive was incredible. The day was mostly sunny and the foliage down there was slightly more peak than it is up here. The funny thing is that one of the workshop leaders was a man who works for the New York City Parks Department–we worked together on a project somewhere around 20 years ago when he worked in Prospect Park and I worked in Central Park! It’s strange how paths sometimes cross and recross at unexpected times and places.

Yesterday I  took a walk at lunch and realized that, for all the griping we do about the weather, it’s only fair to sing its praises once in a while. After almost two weeks of real crummy weather in early September (where I was forced to turn on the heat at one point), we’ve had a run of about 3 solid weeks of dry, mostly sunny days, and pleasant temperatures, day and night. I’ve had the window open at night, and my neighbor was out with the barbecue yesterday. The fall colors have been spectacular around here, and for that I am thankful.

It’s not going to last, of course. A cold front is coming  through tonight, bringing a return to more seasonal temperatures (50s and low 60s by day, 30s and 40s at night), and the expected rain will probably knock down a lot of the foliage, but it’s been a heck of a few weeks, and for that I am grateful.

That’s all I’ve got to say today. How are YOU doing? Have a pleasant weekend, and thanks for stopping in.

6 Responses

  1. I love the fall. When you get those crisp, sunny days and you're surrounded by all that color of the changing leaves…awesome. I'll sing its praises any day. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Yesterday was 80. Lovely. Today it's raining and expected to be chilly at tonight's football game. Tomorrow I'll be waaay up north, where I'm sure it's even colder. I do look forward to seeing some pretty foilage, though. It's been turning slowly around here. But overall…I'm not a fan of fall. It just means colder weather is coming. Plus, there are all these leaves falling off the trees and making a mess. 🙂

  3. L.G.–Sing away!

    Sheena-kay–Good luck with your covers. We had a bit of rain yesterday, but the sun was back today.

    -Donna-Enjoy your spring!

    Stacy–I try (don't always succeed, but I try) not to look past autumn too much. I just hope this winter is easier than the last.

    Carrie–it's a great time of year!

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