Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

This And That

Coming to you live from the snow-covered hills of upstate New York….

-A lot of second-guessing over Pete Carroll’s decision to throw on 2nd down from the 1 yard line with 2 time outs. Interestingly, no one is second-guessing his decision to throw for the end zone with 10 seconds left and no time outs at the end of the first half rather than take the almost sure 3 points of a field goal. I actually understand his thinking on both plays, though if I’m coaching that team, there’s no way Marshawn Lynch doesn’t get the ball from the 1.

-And here’s something: why on earth would you celebrate scoring a touchdown in what is the most-watched event in America (the world?) by pretending to take a dump on the field? What part of your brain is compromised if you think that’s a good idea?

-I’m trying to think of more to write so I don’t have to go out and shovel. 

-Lost in the shuffle of Super Bowl week is the 1-year anniversary of my signing with Carrie Pestritto at The Prospect Agency–I might actually do a “How I Met My Agent” story at the end of the week. I am thrilled to be working with Carrie, and we’re pushing for a successful 2015.

-At roughly 25% in, my current project has shrunk by 3,000 words. I love it when you can make a chapter or scene more substantial by adding to it, and still have the overall word count come down. Some day–and that day may never come–I’ll learn to write it right the first time. Of course, if I did, I’d deprive myself of all this fun.

-I can ignore the snow no longer–have a nice week, everyone!

6 Responses

  1. I didn't second guess Carroll's play at the end of the first half. I told my husband it had to be thrown IN THE END ZONE quickly to leave enough time for that field goal. He did throw it quickly. Luckily, it got caught.

    But they weren't facing THAT short of a clock at the end of the game. They had TIME! And time outs. Frankly, I dislike both teams, but I really didn't want the Patriots to win (I can't stand Brady). Oh well, maybe next year will be more fun. I doubt it, but I can hope!

    Don't hurt yourself shoveling! I'm so glad I don't have to deal with that today. 🙂

  2. -Stacy: I'm guessing Wilson's orders in the first were along the lines of "If you don't see something within 3 seconds, zip it out of the end zone." Unless he decided to throw it to the 5 and hope the receiver could run it in from there, the only thing that would have killed them would be a sack. Second order: "Any pressure at all, zip it out of the end zone." Good call. I've seen Carroll's justification for their last play, and I kind of get it (and I've seen some analysts say it was actually pretty conservative to throw it in that situation); the Pats' DB made a very good play. If you have to throw in that situation, maybe better to throw a lob to the corner.
    -Sheena-kay: Thanks! I think I'll be done by the end of the month–I'd like winter to be over by then, but not much chance of that up here.
    -Donna–ah, but isn't this part of the fun of it all?
    -Jemi–ended officially with a foot. I had to wade through about 16" or so in my backyard. Tough going!

  3. You're funny! I boycotted the Superbowl so I missed the "dump." Too bad? Yay for your revision progress! Although for me the plot and characters are generally good to go from the beginning, it takes me ages and countless revisions before the prose starts to be pretty. I want that "How I Met my Agent" story! Don't hurt your back shoveling.

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