Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Monday Musing

I missed my regularly-scheduled posting time last week. Work was busy, with a huge project deadline looming. On the home front, there were 3 things last week happening in the evening hours. When I had nothing on Friday morning, I thought, “I’ll do it tonight,” but we had a meeting that kept me out, then I had a work event on Saturday that wiped me out. Once I get past a certain point, forget it, I’m not posting.

I think I’m in that funny phase of writing known as “recharging” or “filling the well,” or insert your own metaphor. I also skipped my writers’ circle on Sunday, using the excuse that I was tired and that we were doing a lengthy spring cleaning. Both were true, but the other truth of it is I just haven’t felt a whole lot like going lately. I’ve been valuing the socializing aspect of it more than the writing lately. The writing (mine, that is) has been rather pedestrian; I haven’t been enjoying it quite as much, so it may be best to stay away for a little while. The big project, the current novel, has comments from 2 readers now, both full of excellent insights and commentary. I’m not burned out on THAT writing and will be diving back in this week. How quickly I can turn it around and get it in Agent Carrie’s hands? I don’t know. I was hoping to be able to be submission-ready before the dead days of mid-summer. We’ll see how that goes.

As for the blog, you know me–I’ll threaten (promise?) that I’m shutting down for a little while, and then I’m back with little or no interruption.

That’s all for me, for now. How’s everything by you?

5 Responses

  1. Well, I haven't been able to work on any writing for a week — novels or blogs. Been going quite slow on that front. Hope to get back to it this week, if only for the calming effect of having something else to concentrate on. 🙂

  2. Once you get the next big idea, you'll be burning up the keyboard again. 🙂 I think we all need some "down time" from writing. Congrats on the excellent feedback.

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