Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

It’s Invasive Species Awareness Week!

Yesterday marked the beginning of Invasive Species Awareness Week here in New York. The purpose of  this week is to promote awareness and understanding of invasive species and to help stop their spread. Invasive species are plants, animals or other organisms that can cause harm to the environment, the economy, and/or human health. They are usually not native to the area in question and have high reproductive capacity. You may remember a few months back I linked to a short article I wrote for our local newspaper on a species called the emerald ash borer; last month I had another run on steps boaters and fishermen and women should take to help prevent the spread of aquatic invasive species. That article can be found here. I should have another article running this week, on efforts in New York to keep the Asian longhorned beetle in check.

Invasive species are an issue that can affect us all, with potentially enormous costs. Check with your state and local resource agencies to find out which ones are in your area and what you can do to help keep them under control. And here is a video that was put together by some good friends of the organization I work for:

OCCA – Clean, Drain and Dry from Blue Water Studio on Vimeo.

2 Responses

  1. I think I remember this from last year. Weren't there bug killing elm trees or something – and you planted a little one and covered it for the winter? But it's way past my bedtime, so I could've just dreamed all that! lol

  2. Lexa–It was no dream! The article last time was on the emerald ash borer, which has a similar life history but feeds on ash trees. The tree I planted is an American chestnut. We're about due for an update on that….

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