Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

A Last Word Ahead Of Election Day

It’s nearly over. At least I hope it is.

Tomorrow is the day we here in the United States officially cast our ballots and choose the next president. Though the events won’t be offically official until January, when Congress counts the electoral votes, God willing, we’ll know the result either late tomorrow night or early Wednesday morning, and then we can get on with the business of fixing the parts of our country that are broken, and strengthening the parts that are not.

I know where I stand in this election, and what I want to see happen, so I’m not going to belabor the point. No matter the outcome of tomorrow, there are going to be millions of people who are disappointed with the results. Some will be beyond disappointed: distraught, maybe; super-righteously pissed, perhaps. So, once the election is over and the results are in, I think we need to look at some wise words penned by that master statesman, Stephen King. In his book, 11/22/63 (about a man who travels back in time to save John F. Kenneday from assassination), King wrote:

“I didn’t vote for him, but I happen to be an American, and that makes him not just the president but my president.”

We can be upset with the result. We can be upset with the winner. But at the end of the day, that person will be our president, and we will have to work with him or her for the next four years.  Let’s do it.

4 Responses

  1. Excellent point! As an outsider watching the US election from the sidelines has been fascinating – and a little overwhelming at times. I hope the country can stay strong and ride through the transition period!

  2. -Thanks, Sheena-kay!
    -Jemi, Deep down, I believe we will get through it. I don't think we'll have armed insurrection. However, I am worried because there are no real signs that the bulk of our elected officials have any desire to work "across the aisle." Without flexibility, without a willingness to compromise (or even talk), there's no way to get anything done.

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