Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Monday Musing: And There It Is!

Good morning, all. Various bits and pieces of brain drivel from me:

After pushing sixty degrees on Friday and Saturday, the temperature dropped, dropped, dropped. Drizzle on Saturday night turned into snow on Sunday morning, which hasn’t stopped yet. Plows are busy, and I will soon be busy as well, shoveling out the driveway (again). Looks like I’ll have the chance to try the 4-wheel drive out again today.

Had a pretty good weekend of work on the RiP. The WiP is pretty much dead in the water*, but I might actually be able to make good on my goal of delivering the RiP to Agent Carrie by the end of the month.

*Not entirely true. I’ve written all of 560 words this month (to ‘win’ NaNo, I’d need to average 5,493.33 words per day between now and the end of the month–yeah, not gonna happen!). BUT parts of the WiP have been rattling around in my head at odd hours, which is a good sign. I think I’ll be able to pick it up right away once I’ve put away the RiP.

Tuesday is our travel day, when we head out to pick up the Catbird for Thanksgiving. The weather is looking as promising as can be so far. On the other hand, we have to drive through about five colors to get there!

This will, of course, look completely different tomorrow.

My brain is proving to be a little empty at this hour, on this day, so I will leave you with that. To my American friends, happy Thanksgiving! May you have a lovely holiday filled with family, good friends, and good food! To everyone else–have a great week, and thank you to all of you who take the time to read and share your thoughts.

5 Responses

  1. We got snow, but nothing stuck. Thank goodness! Still, windy and freezing. Not fun. At least it happened AFTER the football game. I was able to enjoy that in mid 60s temps.

  2. I'm glad to be in the Caribbean. Snow can sound all cute on television but I've heard enough stories to know that cleaning that stuff out of driveways and so on can be quite grueling. Glad that your RiP is going well Jeff.

  3. -Stacy–then you were very fortunate! I know the temperature around here dropped fairly quickly, so it seems like your timing was good.
    -Sheena-kay–The older I get, the worse it is! Actually, there was a big difference between the snow we got Saturday into Sunday (wet and very heavy) and what we got Sunday night into Monday (light and fluffy). I know which I'd rather have!

  4. Wow! I hope you made it through all those storm warnings to pick up your daughter, not to mention the 3 more trips to deliver her back and return again. I hope a wonderful Thanksgiving was had by all! Good luck with the RIP and the WIP. Yes, thinking about a WIP counts as working on it. I haven't started my Paris WIP yet, but today I researched the laws about homes designated Historical Sites in France — so that counts! 🙂

  5. -Lexa–fortunately, we had a window of good weather on Tuesday–aside from a little slop on the local roads early, travel was good. We'll see about tomorrow! Research definitely counts–good luck!

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