Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Monday Musing: Overburdened, self-inflicted

This morning when I go to work, one of my tasks will be to complete my timesheet for the pay period that just ended. It’s going to show a lot of extra time. This past week was a seven-day work week, which included a ten-hour day in the middle of it. So, I’ve been a little crispy around the edges lately.

I’m also contributing to my own burnout: on top of what was a 60+ hour work week, on Saturday night, after helping to put on a first-time, minor event, I rushed home, changed, and then my wife and I dashed out so we could volunteer for a local charity pouring beer at a concert. I may have written about this last summer: my organization was the charity at one such concert which meant organizing 60-70 volunteers. It’s a heck of a lot of fun (and a good fundraiser: my organiztion made over two grand in approximately five hours), but it’s exhausting. And then there’s the MOOC, the Massive Open Online Course offered through the University of Iowa, which just started yesterday (slots still available, I believe). I did my required readings and discussion participation for the first unit already, and now have to write something.

Ah, writing. Yeah, about that. This week has been unbelievably bad for writing. After getting off to a rousing start on the revisions for my WiP, which included two 3000+ word days in late June and a massive 5600-word day on July 4 (here’s to holidays!), this week has been a disaster. In the last five days, I’ve amassed a whopping total of 347 words, and those 347 came hard and grudgingly. My goal of having this one out on submission by the end of the summer is slipping away.

When we write our stories, the obstacles we force our heroes to overcome can be external or internal. External: my job is really busy this week–I have to work seven days and a night, so I have little time and I’m really, really tired at the end of the day. Internal: I can’t say no, thus I overextend myself and leave myself more exhausted with less time to do things I want (or need) to do for myself. Like writing. And I end up crispy around the edges.

Other random thoughts for the week that was and is to be:

Best news all week was the rescue of the boys and their coach from that cave in Thailand. Outstanding work by the rescuers, and very sad to lose one of them in the rescue effort.

I’m not a big soccer guy, but congratulations to France on their World Cup victory.

I read the indictment. I’m really curious about the identities of a) “a candidate for US Congress”; b) “a then-registered state lobbyist and online source of political news”; c) “a reporter”; d) a person who was in regular contact with senior members of the presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump.” I suspect more indictments are coming.

That’s all I got; what’s going on with you all?


2 Responses

  1. Dang real life! But we have to live so we have stuff to write about, right? Good for you in volunteering after such a crazy week already!

  2. New avatar? Very nice! Donna, I think I woke up in the wee hours of Friday morning projecting ahead to the weekend, and panicked. "What AM I DOING???" Yes, it does give us something to write about. I wonder if I could set a story entirely in a beer tent….

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