Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

RIP, John McCain

The late Senator John McCain was not a perfect man. No one is. He may not even have been quite the maverick we all believed him to be (McCain voted with Trump 83% of the time, which included greenlighting all of Trump’s cabinet-level picks, except for Mick Mulvaney (McCain voted no) and the disaster that was Scott Pruitt (no vote)). Still, John McCain was a man of honor, a dedicated public servant, and a fundamentally decent human being. He will be missed, especially now, in this time of poisonous politics.

2 Responses

  1. A friend was reading about all the incidents that happened to him when he was a young pilot. I said that he sounded like Tom Cruise from Top Gun. And then I saw his picture from that time. He WAS Tom Cruise from Top Gun! 🙂 He will be sorely missed, I'm sure.

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