Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Time off

On Friday, we went and picked up the Catbird at college for her college recess. It’s nice to have her home. My wife figured it out, we’re down to four more round trips to do this, maybe as little as two or three if we can get her to take the bus (taking the bus cuts more than half the time from our trip, turning ten hours of traveling in a day into maybe three). Four years goes fast. At any rate, I thought I’d take this opportunity to take a couple of weeks…off! My next post will either be on December 31 or January 7, depending on how I feel. Or, I could post next week. You never know. Whatever I choose to do, I hope all of you have a lovely couple of weeks and enjoy the holidays!

8 Responses

  1. Merry Christmas, Jeff! Have a nice rest of your hiatus (and hello again, haha; it must be a year or two since I last dropped in, but that's college for you).

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