Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Thoughts on Sleeping Beauties, Part I

A couple of weeks back, I wrote about the Netflix series, Godless, a good show on many levels but one that fell far short on living up to the promise of its preview, which looked to be a lot more woman-driven than it turned out to be. This week, I’m finally coming back to Sleeping […]

Chuck Palahniuk and Emma Watson’s Breasts

Hoo boy, that got your attention, didn’t it? While Googling for images that would go with my spring break post from a couple of weeks back, I kept running across a recurring image: tucked in amongst the images of bodies packed on the beach, sea to shore, and bodies packed in bars, wall to wall, […]

Emma Watson Tells It Like It Is

Emma Watson delivers a speech to the UN. Emma Watson delivers. I don’t have much to say about this right now–I don’t have much to say about anything right now, my brain has been kind of fried lately–but Ms. Watson is right on target: this is an issue for all, and we all benefit from […]