Jeff O'Handley, Author

Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Liebster….Sort Of

Bonnee Crawford kindly tapped me for a LiebsterAward. List 11 facts, answer 11 questions, etc. I, however, got hung up on question #5: Was there a character from a kids’ show that you were legitimately afraid of? Yes, yes there was. Bozo the Clown.  Now, before I get into the details, let me say this: […]

Musical Monday: The Wheel

This song has been running through my head quite a bit these past couple of weeks. It could be that I’m in a particular mood lately (see last Monday’s post), or it could be I’ve been listening to a lot of the Grateful Dead’s 1976 summer tour, where this song was in the rotation quite […]

Musical Monday: February 3, 1959

On this day in rock and roll history: Which, of course, spawned this hit some thirteen years later: Back in the Dark Ages, we had a record player, and we had American Pie on a 45. I know some of you know what that’s all about. I remember the song would fade out after, I […]

Cheating Little Liebster

So I’m back from vacation, but I’m still in vacation mode, still catching up with everyone, still trying to get back in the ‘groove’ and figure out what’s going on and all that jazz. We had a nice time seeing family, eating lobster (not me, though; I hate shellfish), fishing, hitting the ocean, catching up […]


About a week-and-a-half ago I had one of those dream-like moments. I was in the midst of my morning run-through of blogs and Absolute Write threads when something lit up in my mind: a topic for my next Friday blog post. To that I said,   I continued on my blog tour and went about […]