Jeff O'Handley, Author

Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice


Some time in the middle of last week, while tooling around the Internet, I came across an interesting tidbit. Lord of the Flies was getting a remake. William Golding’s classic 1954 novel about schoolboys marooned on a Pacific island had been adapted for the screen three times, most recently in 1990, so I suppose it […]

Happy Boxing Day

On Christmas Eve, somewhere between putting tinsel on the tree (this was my major, last-minute shopping run for the year) and baking a cheesecake for Christmas dessert, we hooked up the VCR–remember those, kids? We still have one, and it still kind of works!–and watched a couple of holiday classics, including A Christmas Story. I […]

OMG! Look What Happened To….

Social media exploded this week when a Hollywood star stepped out on the red carpet for the first time in a while. I’m talking, of course, about Tony Sirico. Here he is in his most famous role, as Paul Gualtieri, aka “Paulie Walnuts,” in The Sopranos: Can peel paint from a house at distances up […]

Yeah, I’m Behind the Times

O M G L O L Back when I played World of Warcraft, there was a leader of another guild who was friends (possibly in real life, though I’m not 100% sure) with a member of our guild. The other guild was a pretty serious raiding guild, whereas our was not. They did mostly 25-man […]

A Lesson From Looper

Last weekend, I finally got to see the movie, Looper. This was a movie I wanted to see from the instant last summer I saw the teaser on television (and this will tell you what’s on my mind lately: when I wrote that line, I wrote ‘query’ instead of trailer). The concept is fantastic. Men […]

Musical Monday: Stars, Inspector Javert

Friday night I became one among millions of Americans who have seen the latest version of Les Miserables (yeah, I know there’s supposed to be an accent over the ‘e’, but I just can’t work that hard at this hour). The movie did not disappoint me. I thought most of the performances were very strong, […]

Trailer: The Mistaken

The ‘O’ side of my family is known for being late; it goes with the name. God willing, I will be late for my own funeral (if you’re going to be late for anything, that’s at least a good thing to be late for). And I’m a little late with this one, because the big […]

A Quote

At the end of last week we watched V for Vendetta, a 2005 film based on a graphic novel. It was a fine film, a great blend of action, ideas, and a bit of romance. A number of things said in the film stood out, but perhaps none (for me) more than this from early […]

Can’t Get Enough of That Movie

If everything goes well tonight I will be seeing the new Sherlock Holmes film with a friend of ours tonight. This is not a sure thing, for we have a history of sudden cancellations with the person we’re supposed to meet there, and there are some concerns about the weather, since it looks like winter […]