Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Weekend Update: Change Is Good

If you’ve been reading this space for any length of time, then you’re almost certainly aware that I am a card-carrying member of that subset of writers known as ‘Wingman’. I am not a planner, not an outliner, not a plotter. I plunk myself down at the keyboard and start writing and just let it […]

The Week That Was

This was a funny week for me here at the Doubting Writer. For the first time in a while, I didn’t do a whole lot of actual writing. I put the finishing touches on Barton’s Womenlast week and, gasp!, turned it over to my wife on Saturday. When I was not out of the house […]

The Wing Man

First, before anything else, I must acknowledge the passing of arguably ‘the greatest sci-fi writer in history’ (though he would no doubt argue with the designation ‘sci-fi writer’), Ray Bradbury earlier this week. He was apparently writing pretty much to the end. You will be missed. Next, this post is not about a guy running […]

A Random Act

As you undoubtedly know, the wonderful Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi of The Bookshelf Muse have been hosting a week-long event to celebrate the release of The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writer’s Guide to Character Expression. They’ve been running giveaways all week, including a companion guide to the thesaurus, available as a free download. Best of […]

Across the Sound

I’ve already told you once before that I used to live in this magnificent building: It’s bigger on the inside This is Caumsett, once the estate of millionaire-philanthropist-playboy, Tony Stark – err, Marshall Field, III (for the record, I do not know if ‘playboy’ applied to Field, but I just saw The Avengers this week, […]