Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Yet another query post

And just like that we’re back in the dark. Among the many things to not like about the return of Daylight Saving Time is that, as I write this, sunrise is still 21 minutes away. Yes, it will not be dark when I start my drive to work. Yes, it will be lighter in the […]

Gearing for battle

It seems like almost every movie that includes some sort of battle–be it epic fantasy, war, even a sports film–features a scene in which Our Heroes prepare for the coming fight. We see Our Heroes gearing up for battle: sharpening swords, fletching arrows, shining armor, taping up sticks, lacing up the cleats, all while looking […]

Hello, Square One

Oh, hello, Square One, I…wasn’t expecting to see you here. How are you? It’s been a while, hasn’t it? Four years? Really, that long? Time flies, huh? Sorry I haven’t kept in touch, you know how it is. Well. I’d love to stay and hang out, but– Yeah, sure, we can hang out a little. […]

Help A Fellow Writer Out…

…and head on over to agent Carrie Pestritto’s blog. Leave a critique on the posted query and help the writer potentially receive a 100-page critique from Carrie. I can tell you from experience that Carrie does excellent critiques. And as I’ve said ad infinitum, critiquing queries is an invaluable experience for the critiquer as well […]

How I Met My Agent

As I mentioned last week (or maybe it was Monday, which would make it this week), January saw the anniversary of me becoming an agented writer, as it was late last January where I signed on the dotted line with Carrie Pestritto at Prospect Agency. I have very much enjoyed working with Carrie thus far […]

Public Service Announcement

Carrie Pestritto, my agent, is once again open for queries via her Query Critique Contest. She posted 8 hours ago, so it may be too late this time around, but maybe not. If you’ve got a query you would like critiqued (with a chance at getting your first 100 pages critiques as well), then check […]

Double Post Monday!

Schnikies, it’s usually all I can do to get one post out on any given day, and here I am with a second. Well, there’s news–no, not that news, news that may be good for you! Agent Carrie Pestritto, the wonderful woman who represents yours truly, is offering a chance at a free critique of […]

What Do We Want?

I’m back in the trenches, friends, once more fighting for attention, once more hoping my query stands out enough for agents to want to read pages, once more hoping and believing that my manuscript is good enough to bring me to the next step on the road to publication. As part of the process, I’ve […]

Carts and Horses

What are people thinking lately? If you’re not familiar with Query Letter Hell, it’s a section of the Absolute Write forum where you can post your query or synopsis and get it shredded, along with your ego, by anyone with an Absolute Write account. It’s like Matt’s QQQE, though folks at QLH are less likely […]

Is There Anybody Out There?

Back during the Sad Songs Bloghop, I listed this as one of the saddest songs going. You may have to turn it up to really hear. I thought of this song this week, not because I’m especially sad, but because sometimes it feels like the only person in the world who doesn’t write YA. I […]