Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Monday Musing: Delayed Reaction Edition

Hidey-ho, folks, hope you’re all well. After enduring a week of cold, rain, and snow, the sun came out on Saturday afternoon, and it was positively balmy yesterday, mid-sixties and sunny. Daffodils are sprouting (though not quite flowering–yet), spring peepers are getting louder in the wetlands, swallows and kestrels are turning up on the telephone […]

Blathering On

So, Winter’s Regret has been out for a few weeks now. Hopefully, you bought it, read it, and liked it. Hopefully, you liked my story, “An Unexpected Reunion.” Being somewhat brain dead this week, I thought I’d share a little about how that story came about. I don’t think there will be any great revelations […]

Here At Last

The calendar may say it’s March, but at The Doubting Writer, winter is still going strong! That’s right, folks, though St. Patrick’s Day is just around the corner, we have ten below zero this morning! What else? Frozen lakes! Ice dams! Snow in the forecast! Our heating bills are insane! Whew. Sorry, I just found […]

A Project

An interesting project has finally come up and started rolling. As I think I’ve said before, I’m part of a writers’ group that meets at a local arts center every Sunday. It’s a nice group of people. We have fun, and once in a while I actually produce something worthwhile (“Last Man Standing”, published this […]

Regrets–An Anthology Announcement

In case you haven’t heard, Matt Sinclair and the fine folks at Elephant’s Bookshelf Press are open for submissions for their next anthology. Now, if you’re as observant as I am, you will have noticed a bit of a theme: their first anthology, Spring Fevers, came out in spring of 2012. It was followed by […]