Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Grey Area–Or Is It Gray?

I’m an American. I was born here, raised here, and, except for a week in Nova Scotia, a weekend at Niagara Falls, and two weeks in the Virgin Islands, I’ve never set foot outside the United States. I like some British television (Dr. Who; Monty Python, and yes, Downton Abbey, though I’m hopelessly behind), and […]

Aberrant? Oh, You Betcha

Congratulations to Lisa L. Regan on the arrival of her second book, Aberration, born yesterday to already strong reviews! I’m looking forward to getting hold of this one, it promises to be an enjoyable read, in that strange way that suspense is enjoyable. Rather than do any sort of blog tour, Lisa decided to do […]

And Another New Year

Happy New Year to all of you, whether you’ve already celebrated because you’re on the other side of the world or not. I hope 2013 is good to you and brings you all you hope for in life. This is, of course, the time when we reflect on what we’ve done, set our goals for […]

Looky, Looky

Well, I’ve learned a valuable lesson from Monday’s post: NO MORE SPIDERS! I can talk about them (I think), but pictures are right out. It’s funny how certain animals affect us. Birds? Mostly people are okay with them. Dogs? Cats? Obvious family pets. Turtles? I don’t think I’ve met anyone yet who hates turtles. Frogs, […]

The Week That Was

This was a funny week for me here at the Doubting Writer. For the first time in a while, I didn’t do a whole lot of actual writing. I put the finishing touches on Barton’s Womenlast week and, gasp!, turned it over to my wife on Saturday. When I was not out of the house […]

The Same Old Ground

Running over the same old groundWhat have we found?Same old fears — Roger Waters By the time this day is over, I should be *finished* with Barton’s Women. And of course, by *finished* I mean  I’m “in the time between this rewrite and the next.” I stopped 18 pages short of the end yesterday, wrung […]

An Old Question Revisited

In my second-ever blog post, I asked Is it Always Going to Be Like This? I was talking about the sinking feeling that comes when you read your work: the sensation that it’s not good enough, that it’s not as good as you thought when you wrote it. The cringing at every page, the thinking, […]

An Award!

But first, apropos of Friday’s post, here’s a little musical bit from Counting Crows, their first big hit, Mr. Jones. I remember hearing a story at one point that the Crows had decided to stop performing this song in concert, partly because it was about the desire for fame and, having achieved said fame, their […]

Confession: Inner Space Interview

“I was sitting here…replaying the incident over in my head when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.”–Jules Winnfield Man, this is going to sound weird. You’re all going to think I’m a total nut job, as if my anti-techno rants don’t already have you thinking that way. But what the […]