A Pen Post
I’m feeling a heck of a lot better than I did last week. I’ve left the house a few times (more important, I felt the need for a shower. Though I still can’t smell myself, I couldn’t run the risk of anyone else smelling me), including going to my writer’s group yesterday. Physically, I’m feeling […]
‘Write the Story You Want to Read’
When I started ‘head writing’ my guest post for Bonnee last week, I thought I was going to end up with something different than what she asked for. It started shading from ‘why I write’ to ‘why I write what I write’, but once I started really writing the post, I worked my way back […]
Monday Musing
Hey, all, not much on my mind today, still recovering from the whirlwind week of traveling. Thanks to Bonnee Crawford for hosting me on Thursday or Friday last week; my guest post–Why I Write–is still there for your viewing pleasure. It’s funny how ideas spawn ideas. When I first started head-drafting my guest post for […]
Sucky First Drafts
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that the first draft of anything sucks.* This ‘truth’ is a great comfort to writers who read their first drafts and want to tear their hair out. “Oh, this sucks!” they scream, while dragging their poor monitor to the window, as if it’s the monitor’s fault. But then they […]
Musical Monday: Your Racist Friend
The Magpie has been in touch with one of her friends from home, a girl I’ll call the Robin. The Robin is an outgoing, cheerful young lady, all Rainbows and Unicorns, who evidently got socked with her own case of The Second Week Blues at her college. She also had an experience that made me […]
Confession: Inner Space Interview
“I was sitting here…replaying the incident over in my head when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.”–Jules Winnfield Man, this is going to sound weird. You’re all going to think I’m a total nut job, as if my anti-techno rants don’t already have you thinking that way. But what the […]
The Book of the Future
“Can it core a apple?” “Oh, it can core a apple!” Those lines come from a classic episode of The Honeymoonerstitled “Better Living Through TV.” In it, Ralph buys time during a movie broadcast and appears as The Chef of the Future, presenting a tool—The Handy Housewife Helper—that will revolutionize the kitchen, a tool that […]
The Back Room
I sometimes think of my brain as being like one of these big, old Victorian houses. The kind of house that has rooms off of rooms, nooks and crannies everywhere, and a surprise around every corner. I love houses like that; they fascinate me, and the brain is every bit as complicated as some of […]