Weekend Update: Congratulations to my Friends!
A long, long time ago, I started poking around the internet, looking for writing stuff: places that could help me improve as a writer, places that would give me information on where I could publisher–err, try to publish–the couple of short stories I had sweated out, and what to do about the ideas that were […]
Tag, etc.
First, my apologies to all of you. I know you sat around all day waiting for my usual Friday post. Workplace productivity suffered, the market took a tumble, men and women beat their breasts and tore their hair….Or not. Anyway, because I never quite pre-write as much as I want, so that posting is a […]
Bits and Pieces for a Friday
It’s Friday morning, and I’m once more not ready with a well-organized, deeply thought out topic. I have ideas, mind you, but I don’t have as much time during the week as I used to so it all kind of gets put off and we end up with this sort of loose collection of nonsense. […]
Child’s Play
Yesterday morning a post turned up in my Facebook feed from my friend, Lisa Regan, and I consider myself lucky to have seen it, because it’s Facebook, and things get shuffled, ordered and reordered, with no rhyme or reason, kind of like Amazon rankings. At any rate, this was close enough to the top of […]
Aberrant? Oh, You Betcha
Congratulations to Lisa L. Regan on the arrival of her second book, Aberration, born yesterday to already strong reviews! I’m looking forward to getting hold of this one, it promises to be an enjoyable read, in that strange way that suspense is enjoyable. Rather than do any sort of blog tour, Lisa decided to do […]
Sports Narratives
Hey, a guy could get used to this. Sitting back, cool, salt-tinged breeze, cold drink at hand—yeah, it would be easy to just send a postcard back that says, “You know, I’ve decided to stay. So long, and thanks for all the fish.” Of course, that ignores the fact that, within about three minutes of […]
Author Interview: Lisa L. Regan
Well, I figure I woke up and found the world still here this morning, so it’s going to be a good day. Christmas is nearly upon us (and from the looks of things, we may have snow on the ground for it for the first time in a couple of years), the Magpie is now […]
Who Are We Trying to Reach?
On Wednesday, my friend Nancy Thompson made her monthly Insecure Writers Support Group post. She’s published now, but admitted to feeling a bit of a letdown. Part of it, I’m sure, is the physical reaction to the go-go-go that was her blog tour and the high of being able to go to Amazon and Barnes […]
Finding Claire Fletcher Launches!
Since starting this blog nearly two years ago, I have met many wonderful people. It’s strange to think of people you’ve never seen face-to-face, or never even spoken to in a normal conversation, as friends, but there are a number of you I feel that way about. It brings me great pleasure to announce that […]
Looky, Looky
Well, I’ve learned a valuable lesson from Monday’s post: NO MORE SPIDERS! I can talk about them (I think), but pictures are right out. It’s funny how certain animals affect us. Birds? Mostly people are okay with them. Dogs? Cats? Obvious family pets. Turtles? I don’t think I’ve met anyone yet who hates turtles. Frogs, […]