Goldenrod and cross-promotion
I’m going soft today. I’m been working up to something bigger,something more outraged, as the result of yet another maddening meme I saw on Facebook this weekend, but I’m not quite ready to go there and I don’t want to start my week off with aggravation. Instead, we’ll go with something a little more “feel […]
Fitting Ends
Every so often I see a blog post that dovetails nicely with something I’ve been thinking about. When it happens, I usually scrap whatever I was planning to blog about, if indeed I was planning anything. This week was one of those weeks. On Tuesday, Jemi Fraser wrote about a disappointing experience with an author. […]
50 Ways….
Remember that old Paul Simon song, 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover? What’s that, you don’t? Oh, right, of course not, you’re too young. Well, it was a hit for Simon back in the mid-70s, which is why most of you DON’T remember it, but through the magic of the internet, you can see it […]
Emotion on the Wane?
Saturday morning I sat, bleary-eyed, at my computer, a cup of coffee close at hand. I saw a tiny headline that woke me up quicker than the coffee: “Is literature losing emotion?” The article quoted a recent study ( which seems to think so. The researchers examined books published between 1900 and 2000, using a […]
A lot of time and analysis these days is spent on examining women in the media and rethinking how they are presented. We want—we need—to see more quality presentation of women and girls in movies and TV in particular (books are far better at presenting women who are not merely arm- or eye-candy, or there […]