Monday Musing
Assorted, random bits from my brain: -Well, it happened. The Magpie turned 20 this weekend, so now I can no longer say, “I have two teenage girls.” Welcome to Wistful, enjoy your stay. – All day Friday, the National Weather Service repeated the following: “Overnight lows of five above zero.” I woke up Saturday morning […]
Musical Monday: Lily Kershaw
Heard this song on the radio (yes, that’s right, the radio. Yes, I had to stream it, but there actually are stations out there playing new music!) last week and really liked it. This track is from Ms. Kershaw’s debut album. Melancholy mood music for a Monday in late October, it seems. Enjoy. Lot’s of […]
Monday Musing: But Wait
Over the weekend, an article appeared in The Guardian about a self-published author who turned down an offer of publication from Amazon’s Montlake Press. Now, there’s nothing inherently wrong with this. It sounds like she had a better deal, and more control, as an independent than she would get from Montlake. Currently, her book is […]
Monday Musing: Troublesome Omni
People talk about Point of View on a regular basis. One of the things folks suggest is that beginning writers have a tendency to use first person, because it’s a voice that a beginner will find easiest to deal with (and there may be a tendency for beginners to write more personal stories, which might […]
Monday Musing: Save the Cat, Kill the Kid
On Friday, I stumbled across a thread on Absolute Write that was already three pages when I started reading. By the time I got to the end of page 1, the thread was five pages long, and still growing. As of this morning, it is 9 pages long, with more than 200 posts. It wasn’t […]
Monday Musing: Nibbling Away at Yog’s Law
I think I’ll be leaving now, thank you. You know about Yog’s Law, don’t you? Sure you do. Yog’s Law, coined by James D. MacDonald, is the principle that states, “Money flows toward the author.” We are told, time and again, that if an agent asks for a ‘reading fee’, run. If a publisher asks […]
Monday Musing: Facebook Party!
I will occasionally post something on my FB page titled, “How Not To Use Facebook, #[insert made up number between 1 and 1000 here] In A Series”, and link to a news item where someone does something stupid with Facebook. Like this. I do this as a reminder that the things you put out there […]
Weekend Update
Well, that felt good. Yesterday I went to my writer’s group for the first time in three weeks. Three weeks! I can’t believe it was so long. Things just seemed to keep coming up that kept me away, and you know how slippery time can be. I missed it, a lot. We have a nice […]
Monday Musing
This and That from the weekend * After a full week of crummy weather, the skies around here finally opened up enough last night to allow me to see Comet Pan-STARRS. I won’t go so far to call myself an amateur astronomer, but I have a slightly-more-than-passing interest in the heavens. I think it’s pretty […]
Monday Musing
Hey, all, not much on my mind today, still recovering from the whirlwind week of traveling. Thanks to Bonnee Crawford for hosting me on Thursday or Friday last week; my guest post–Why I Write–is still there for your viewing pleasure. It’s funny how ideas spawn ideas. When I first started head-drafting my guest post for […]