Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Musical Monday: Mountain Sound

Making a second appearance on Musical Monday is Of Monsters and Men. This tune has gotten some radio play in these parts. Nice stuff. I’m impressed with all of you out there who are plowing through your “A-Z” entries. I confess, it’s hard to keep up with you all! Not much else to say right […]

A Little Off and Out of Whack

Heading into Christmas, I thought, “Now’s the perfect time to take a week, maybe two, off from the blog. Go ahead, just say it straight out and be done with it.” Of course I didn’t, and here I am on a Friday morning with three, four, maybe five pieces partly completed, and no sense of […]


So, I watched a good chunk of the 12-12-12 concert Wednesday night. I forgot it was on, to be honest, and only found it when I decided I needed some brain melt time, shortly after 8 PM. I turn on the TV and there’s Bruce Springsteen, looking like he’s the one who should be playing […]

Musical Monday: John Lennon

John Lennon was really my first hero of rock and roll. As a kid I didn’t really latch on to any one particular performer. We had our Partridge Family records, of course, and I remember playing Don McLean’s American Pie over and over for a  while (and it was a single, so it faded out […]

The Voice

The high school had a fundraiser Friday night, a musical event in the school auditorium. In the course of some 2-1/2 hours, a number of acts, including students and teachers, performed a variety of mostly rock-based songs (perhaps the oddest moment was listening to the school’s bandleader sing Stacy’s Mom Has Got It Going On). […]

Musical Monday: A Quick One While He’s Away

AT nearly eight minutes, not so quick, perhaps. The Who performing their ‘mini-opera,’ A Quick One While He’s Away for the Rolling Stones’ Rock and Roll Circus in 1968. Originally released in 1966, A Quick One is probably the first rock opera. In an interview, Pete Townshend told how his producer asked him to write […]

Sad Song Blogfest

Hey, I was almost all set, putting finishing touches on a post for this week, when I came across this at Jemi Fraser’s blog. I thought, why not? I didn’t even know it was happening until today, but it apparently originated with L. Diane Wolfe. And if I’m wrong, please correct me. So, without further […]