Love and Hate (of my words)
It is a sentiment held by many that familiarity breeds contempt. Indeed, there is plenty of reason for this to hold true. Quite often, a person we admire someone from afar turns out to be a total jerkwad when we get to know them. It’s a bit of a letdown, to say the least. I […]
Musical Monday: Lake Street Dive
Howdy, all. Well, after an encouraging weekend with temperatures well above freezing, it looks like we’re in for another nasty shot of winter, with the mercury plummeting to near zero again by Thursday or Friday night. This is the tough time of year in climates like this one, where you can see the end of […]
IN Honor of the recent airing of the Dr. Who 50th Anniversary special, I’m going back in time. This is what I wrote Saturday morning, November 23 on the calendar for those keeping score at home. It was going to run on Monday, but I had a breakthrough shortly after putting these words to paper, […]
I’m ON the Motherf***er
(Warning note: repeated use of a Very Bad Word) If you’ve hung around this space for any length of time, you’ll know that Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies, a film I can’t get enough of, one that sucks me in every time I come across it on the TV. Aside from the […]
Grey Area–Or Is It Gray?
I’m an American. I was born here, raised here, and, except for a week in Nova Scotia, a weekend at Niagara Falls, and two weeks in the Virgin Islands, I’ve never set foot outside the United States. I like some British television (Dr. Who; Monty Python, and yes, Downton Abbey, though I’m hopelessly behind), and […]
Meet The New Boss…
…same as the old boss. Last year, YA author Peggy Eddleman started something new. NaNoWriMo about to take off, but Peggy wasn’t ready to write; she was in the middle of revising. So she threw an idea out there: “We could REVISE 50,000 words in November. Or, we could make a different, personalized goal that […]
An Old Question Revisited
In my second-ever blog post, I asked Is it Always Going to Be Like This? I was talking about the sinking feeling that comes when you read your work: the sensation that it’s not good enough, that it’s not as good as you thought when you wrote it. The cringing at every page, the thinking, […]
Confession: Inner Space Interview
“I was sitting here…replaying the incident over in my head when I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity.”–Jules Winnfield Man, this is going to sound weird. You’re all going to think I’m a total nut job, as if my anti-techno rants don’t already have you thinking that way. But what the […]
The Reading, Part I
So, on Friday I pulled my novel out of its cabinet. It blinked its eyes and tried to scurry back into the dark, but I held firm to the binder and dragged it out onto the bright, sunny porch (we had no power). I sat on the porch with a cup of coffee, a glass […]