Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Oh My Gosh, It’s a Day to Write!

Well, while Columbus Day doesn’t have the cachet it did when I was ten years old, I’ll happily take it as a day to write. And after spending the last hour or so struggling with a particularly difficult post on the recent brouhahaha over Lorde and her song, Royals, I’ve decided to shelve it for […]

On the Edge

Last week I heard an expression that I either hadn’t heard before, or had and just forgotten: “Upstate New York has four seasons: Almost winter, winter, still winter, and road construction.” The road crews are finishing up a project in town that’s been irritating, inconsistent, and inconvenient. It’s 45 degrees (F) this morning. Goldenrod is […]

A Quote

If you trusted the justice system to find a man guilty, you must trust it when it finds a man not guilty, or it’s just partiality you seek.–Bryan Peterson I wasn’t in the courtroom. I didn’t follow the trial closely (and even if I had, it would have been through the filter of America’s mass […]

A Reminder…

…of what Memorial Day is about. Photo by Francisco Diez Thank you to those who have and are serving.

Break Time

I’ve been toeing this line for some time, now. I sit here and struggle to come up with a post, or I spend some time during the week working on the beginnings of posts, then find myself on Monday or Friday mornings ripping my hair out to finish it off properly. At those moments, I […]

The Playoff Beard

The NHL playoffs are almost two weeks old, and you know what that means: playoff beards! Yes, this is the time of year when the majority of NHL players whose teams are still in the hunt for the Stanley Cup stop shaving. By the time NHL Evil OverlordCommissioner Gary Bettman passes the Cup to the […]

Jason Collins

It’s finally happened. As reported in multiple places earlier this week, Jason Collins became the first active player in a major North American team sport to announce he’s gay. Big cheers to Jason Collins. It’s a brave move for Collins, and a sign of how far we’ve come in terms of acceptance in my lifetime. […]


Photo by Mark Robinson Just because, that’s why. Yeah, it’s a little big for the page, but hey, go big or go home, right? Have a great weekend, everyone.

Open Mic Monday

Image by JF Sebastian I’ll admit it, I’m copping out today. I’m cranky and tired and suffering from a sore throat and less than stellar sleep last night, so rather than complaining about the Oscars last night (We Saw Your Boobs–really? That’s how you honor the leading ladies?), or meandering off on some other tangent, […]

Off to Australia!

Hey, all, I’m breaking my normal Monday-Friday pattern to let you know I’m off in Australia, braving Tasmanian devils and horribly poisonous spiders (no, no pictures this time!) to guest post at Bonnee Crawford’s today. The Blogging of an Aspiring Writer: Guest Post – Why I Write Bonnee asked me to do a post on […]