Jeff O'Handley

The Doubting Writer Finds His Voice

Monday Musing

I missed my regularly-scheduled posting time last week. Work was busy, with a huge project deadline looming. On the home front, there were 3 things last week happening in the evening hours. When I had nothing on Friday morning, I thought, “I’ll do it tonight,” but we had a meeting that kept me out, then […]


It’s funny what happens sometimes when you read other people’s blogs. Earlier this week I was commenting on a post on Krista Van Dolzer’s blog and started thinking, “Hmm,  that can be a post”–and now it is. Whether it should be or not is another question. Krista was writing about a feeling of “meh”  that […]

Monday Musing: Dr. Seuss

If ever I were granted the chance to teach a creative writing course–say, Fiction 101–I think the first text I would choose as a class assignment would be “And To Think That I Saw It On Mulberry Street” by Dr. Seuss. Yes, this is why it’s highly unlikely I’ll ever be asked to teach Fiction […]

Monday Musing: A Change In Style

Be warned, this is a top-of-my-head post, so it may end up not making any sense. I know where I’m starting, but I’m really not sure where it’s going to end up, or how it’s going to get there. There’s a woman in my writers’ group who is legendary among us for two things: first, […]

On Full Disclosure

This posting on Friday night thing, it’s got to stop. Which means I need to be prepared ahead of time, because the Catbird’s “be in school at 7 on Fridays” isn’t stopping anytime soon (and I know, as much as I grumble, I’ll miss it next year when she’s in college). I just don’t like […]

Mason’s Children

First order of business: if you have a query that needs critting, get thee on over to Agent Carrie’s blog, where you could get your query critted by an agent who knows her stuff, AND you could get your first 100 pages critted. Go, go! Now on to the matter at hand. If you don’t […]

Back In Business

Here I sit, early in the morning trying to bang out a post before work. It’s been a full week since I’ve been on the job, though I did briefly check in on my work e-mail on Friday. I like my job, but it’s sure been nice to be home. Also nice is the fact […]

For Love Or Money

Back at the beginning of the month, when so many of you participate in the Insecure Writer’s Support Group (IWSG), Nick Wilford posted about something many of us worry about: money. It’s something a lot of us worry about, especially in tough financial times. Early in the post, Nick said: “I know that very few […]

Behold, the Emerald Ash Borer

Hi, everyone. As seems to be my habit lately, I’m posting late. It’s always my preference to do this first thing, but on Fridays the Catbird needs to be in early which leaves me less time, especially because I never get these things truly written in advance. I’ve actually got something like three posts in […]

Weekend Update: Change Is Good

If you’ve been reading this space for any length of time, then you’re almost certainly aware that I am a card-carrying member of that subset of writers known as ‘Wingman’. I am not a planner, not an outliner, not a plotter. I plunk myself down at the keyboard and start writing and just let it […]