Monday Musing: Delayed Reaction Edition
Hidey-ho, folks, hope you’re all well. After enduring a week of cold, rain, and snow, the sun came out on Saturday afternoon, and it was positively balmy yesterday, mid-sixties and sunny. Daffodils are sprouting (though not quite flowering–yet), spring peepers are getting louder in the wetlands, swallows and kestrels are turning up on the telephone […]
Bună zuia!
Earlier this week, I opened up my blogger dashboard and found this: This, of course, is how I reacted: Of course, I’ll admit I’ve just been looking for an excuse to put Stevie back up here, but it was pretty much my honest reaction. When I dug a little deeper into those stats, I found […]
This is Plus Size?
This is the end of the second straight WEEK FROM HELL, which is at the tail of the MONTH FROM HELL. It’s not that things have been bad, just…busy. Really, really busy. I’ve got to be out early today and tomorrow, and then things ease off a bit. I came downstairs, made some coffee and […]
Monday Musing: It’s a Number
People love anniversaries and birthdays and milestones. We also attach special significance to certain numbers: 1–first anniversary, first birthday, one year in business. 10 because, well, 10! For that matter, anything that ends in a zero or a five. And of course, the quarters: 25, 75, and the real biggies: 50. 100. We really get […]
Whither Latvia?
I like statistics. Not in a math nerd, let’s break out the Chi-squared test, and analyze this data set, but in a general, are we trending up or are we trending down? sort of way. When I pop into my blogger dashboard, the number of page views are there, staring me in the face, big […]
Monday Musing: This and That
Well, how about that? I was just looking at my dashboard and realized that Friday’s post was #100! Funny how we put such emphasis on certain numbers, isn’t it? Anniversaries and birthdays that end in 0 or 5 get a lot of attention, and then there are the biggies: 25, 50 and 100. Sadly, #100 […]