Weekend Update: (Temporary) End of the Cold edition
Greetings, all. Woke up this day to a welcome sight: the mercury in our outdoor thermometer was above zero, which it hasn’t been before sunrise in close to a week. Not that you can feel it, mind you; took the dog out and was surprised at how cold it felt, courtesy of a decent breeze […]
Another lightweight post
“Gonna take two weeks, gonna have a vacation”–Summertime Blues, Eddie Cochran, Jerry Capehart Last night, in the final hour or so before I went to bed, I was writing today’s post in my head, a non-review review of Sleeping Beauties, a 700-plus page doorstopper from Stephen and Owen King. The super condensed review: I liked […]
Weekend Update: Post-travel edition
This past weekend saw us travel for a funeral. On our return trip, we got hung up in the snow that came up the coast, which added an extra two hours–and an untold level of stress–to the drive. The weather reports gave no indication that the storm was going to impact as far as it […]
Weekend Update: Summer’s (near) end edition
Well, we’ve hit the penultimate weekend of ‘official’ summer and already we’re seeing the signs of the winding down of the season: one of the big baseball camps in the area is already empty, already moving in the bulldozers and heavy equipment for what will almost certainly be another expansion. The big camp is still […]
Celestial Events and other things
Semi-random postings for this ecliptic day. * As you may or may not know, I write a monthly column for one of our local papers. This month’s column is on eclipses. Take a read! * That column is not exactly a “How to” guide for safe eclipse viewing. If you want that, go here! * […]
Weekend Update: Old Friend Edition
Waking up once again exhausted and unprepared for Monday. It’s been that kind of a spring, and the weather hasn’t helped much, with a lot of rain and colder temperatures than normal. Our little corner of upstate is normally a couple of weeks behind the weather I was used to growing up on Long Island, […]
Weekend Update: Themeless Edition
Greetings! Hoping this Monday morning (or whatever time it is wherever you are) finds you well. I find myself this fine Monday with no cohesive post, and no ‘seemingly random thoughts that are actually part of a theme’ kind of thing happening today, so here are some truly random thoughts. –The RiP and the WiP […]
Weekend Update
Greetings, all. This will likely be a short post today. -Big news for me, one of my betas sent me back my latest last night. Funny how it is, she made two very raving (in a good way) comments on Facebook over the last couple of weeks, and the first line of the e-mail (which […]
Weekend Update–Chestnut Edition!
It is spring. So says the calendar, anyway; the weather is not quite so sure. However, we’ve had a lot of water in the streets and in the creeks this past week, and there is some greenery to be had. The growing season is not quite upon us, but I thought it was time to […]
Weekend Upate
Not much to say today, which seems to be par for the course lately.Sleeping half the day on Friday helped a lot with whatever ailed me then, though now it’s Monday morning, so it’s back. Good news over the weekend: saw my first turkey vultures of the year! Always a nice sign of spring to […]